Welcome to KSA Vision Clinic

The first step towards laser eye procedure is Flow 2.0 eye examination. Flow 2.0 eye examination is suitable for myopic people in age range 18-45-years. During the Flow 2.0 eye examination you will find out if you are suitable for Flow 2.0 laser procedure. Flow 2.0 eye examination costs € 69. 

Eyes should be cared for on a regular basis. Just like You should visit the dentist once a year, you should also have Your eyes examined regularly. Why? To improve Your vision and make sure You get to enjoy good vision for as long as possible. Most of the dangerous eye diseases don't show any signs until they start causing serious problems and limit Your lifestyle, which is why early detection is so important. The fee for a thorough audit is € 139. 

NB! At present, due to high demand for Vison Audits, we have extended waiting times and are unable to take on new clients temporarily.
All children 2-3 years of age should have their eyes checked, and then checked again before going to school. However, the ophthalmologists and optometrists at KSA recommend that children take eye exams more often, as many eye problems are easy to fix when discovered at an early stage. The cost of the children's eye examination is € 79 for children in age of 4-17 and € 59 for kids in age of 2.5 to 3 years. 

NB! At present, due to high demand for children's eye examinations, we have extended waiting times and are unable to take on new clients temporarily.