Birgit Nurmela got rid of eyeglasses!

Birgit Nurmela is a young woman who has enjoyed life without eyeglasses and contact lenses for over 1,5 years now. She underwent the Flow 2.0 cut-free eye laser procedure in December 2016, the whole experience has had a great impact on her life, as she can enjoy life without any restrictions.

Birgit Nurmela: „Alati, kui minult küsitakse, kuidas silmalaserprotseduur läks ja kas ma kartsin seda, vastan alati samaga – kogu kogemus oli väga meeldiv ja mugav. KSA Vision Clinicusse sisenedes tekib kohe tunne, et sinu heaolu on väga oluline. Sellise tunde loob kogu keskus oma erakordse teeninduse, inimeste ja atmosfääriga. Jätkake samas vaimus, olete super!”

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Customer experiences

Embrace a brighter world, free from glasses and contacts

Step into a life of visual freedom and discover is laser eye surgery is right for you with a appointment

Embrace a brighter world, free from glasses and contacts

Step into a life of visual freedom and discover is laser eye surgery is right for you with a appointment

Happy young couple standing in the park, delighted with their new vision without glasses and contact lenses, pointing to the right at the text box.