Vision reimagined: Transforming lives with cutting-edge treatments

No one should have to compromise on safety or quality in pursuit of perfect vision.

Vision reimagined: Transforming lives with cutting-edge treatments

No one should have to compromise on safety or quality in pursuit of perfect vision.

Transforming Lives at KSA Eye Centre: Over 30,000 Success Stories

See how laser eye surgery has affected the quality of life of KSA customers.

Expert laser eye surgery: Tailored, safe, and supported vision care for you

  • Since 2005, our clinic has led the way in personalised laser eye surgery, boasting 30,000 operations and over 200,000 consultations.
  • Our dedication to your vision and comfort is unmatched, with our facilities equipped with the latest technology for safe, reliable outcomes.
  • We specialise in a 100% laser procedure for myopia, offering a touch-free correction method that prioritises your safety.
  • We use the latest Flow 2.0 technology, which is even safer, more reliable and safer than before.
  • Our commitment extends beyond the procedure, with a 7-year guarantee for peace of mind and sustained vision quality.
  • Trust us to guide you towards clearer vision, tailored to your lifestyle, in a safe and supportive environment.

Miks KSA Silmakeskus?

KSA Vision Clinic is the leading clinic in Estonia that specializes in correcting short-sightedness with lasers. KSA Vision Clinic has dedicated and professional staff, uses modern technology, which we upgrade all the time, and offers a pleasant environment. We're certain, that all of this makes KSA a world-class eye clinic.
Every laser procedure performed in KSA Vision Clinic is preceded by comprehensive eye examinations, which determine the suitability of the laser procedure for each laser eye surgery patient. This lowers risks, ensures the best results and reduces the need for repeated procedures (less than 1 % at KSA). Your eye surgery will be performed at KSA only after making sure that particular procedure is absolutely suitable for your eyes. Since 2006, KSA Vision Clinic has been using ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard which ensures high quality in every stage of the treatment.
Kvaliteetsete tulemuste saavutamiseks on KSA Silmakeskuses kasutusel parim saadaolev tehnoloogia. KSA spetsialistid külastavad regulaarselt maailma tuntumaid silmakliinikuid, tehnoloogia tarnijaid, rahvusvahelisi kongresse ja näituseid, et testida uusi seadmeid ning analüüsida nende ravitulemusi. Tänu sellele on KSA Silmakeskuse tehnobaas pidevalt uuenenud. Alates 2006. aastast oleme kasutanud viit eksimeerlaserit ja täna teeme KSA-s protseduure Saksa insenertehnoloogia tippmudeliga Schwind Amaris 1050 RS, mille võtsime kasutusele 2014. aastal. 2015. aasta juulis installeeriti Saksa inseneride poolt laserisse uusim tehnoloogia Smart Pulse Technology ning 2016. aasta jaanuaris installeeriti laserisse ka Smart SurfACE tehnoloogia. 2018. aasta jaanuaris võtsime kasutusele uue Scwind Amaris 1050RS laseri riistvara, SP6.1 tarkvara ja uue Intelligent Thermal Effect Control (ITEC) süsteemi, tänu millele muutusid pinnapealsed laserprotseduurid Schwind Eye-Tech’i poolt veelgi turvalisemaks, täpsemaks ja silmasõbralikumaks. SmartPulse-SmartSurface-ITEC tehnoloogia kohta saate detailsemalt lugeda laseritootja enda leheküljelt. 2022. aasta jaanuarist viime laserprotseduure läbi kõige uuema saadaoleva Schwind Amaris 1050 RS laserimudeliga. Selle laseri näol on tegu Saksamaa tipplaseritootja Schwindi kõige uuema, ühe maailma parimate tulemuste ning kõige arenenuma tehnoloogiaga preemium laserimudeliga.
KSA Vision Clinic offers the services of dedicated specialists in the field of ophthalmology, optometry and optics. We are true fans of our field and we do our best to make your stay at our clinic as comfortable as possible, and to ensure that the outcome of the laser procedure meets your expectations 100 %. Our experience in more than 17 years – 30,000 successful laser procedures and more than 200.000 exams – proves that your eyes will receive the best treatment at KSA. The dedication of our personnel can also be acknowledged by the fact that over half of our staff members have had the procedure done to them. So they can speak from their own experience.
KSA Vision Clinic aims at being one of the top three excimer laser clinics in Europe, both in terms of treatment quality and customer service. Every year the employees of KSA visit various vision clinics all over the world to gain experience in how to further improve the customer service of KSA. Today, we can state with absolute certainty that all of our patients are provided with world-class service.
KSA is located in Kadriorg district in Tallinn and in the city centre of Tartu. KSA is easily accessible both by means of your own and public transport. Our premises have modern design and are comfortable for our patients.

KSA Vision Clinic is a world-class laser vision correction facility, offering the most up-to-date treatments and outstanding surgical results. Dr. Ants Haavel is an experienced eye surgeon, who together with his staff performs advanced procedures such as Flow in Estonia.


KSA Vision Clinic uses the best available technology to achieve high quality results. KSA Vision Clinic performs procedures on patients from Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark with eye laser Schwind Amaris 1050 RS, the technology introduced and produced in 2014. The efficiency of this technology has been proven by various studies. Schwind Amaris 1050 RS combines the best speed with extremely high precision and gives You the best outlook for treating Your eyes.

1050 Hz frequency
Schwind Amaris 1050RS corrects 1 dioptre of myopia within 1.3 seconds. This means more comfort and higher security to the patient.

Automatic energy and temperature adjustment
In order to combine speed and precision, the Schwind Amaris 1050 RS is equipped with two energy levels. Around 80 % of the tissue is ablated by using high energy beam and 20 % by using lower energy beam. The latter assures smooth surface and perfect vision.

Exceptionally fine laser beam
The laser beams of the Schwind Amaris 1050 RS have exceptionally small diameter – only 0.54 mm and are thus significantly smaller than others. Furthermore, they have a special shape. The cornea becomes especially smooth with this fine beam.

The eye is tracked 1050 times per second
During the laser procedure, the eyes may involuntarily move within milliseconds. The Schwind Amaris 1050 RS monitors the position of the eye with approximately 1050 times per second and compensates all detected movements.

Eye tracking in 7 dimensions
The eyeball may be compared to a buoy in the sea – when the sea is calm, the buoy shifts from left to right or forward and backward. In heavy swell however, the buoy tilts to the side. In addition to that a buoy may also turn around its own axis and move upward and downward. In the same manner, the eyeball can roll, rotate around its axis of vision or move up and down along the z-axis. The Schwind Amaris 1050 RS detects all these eye movements and compensates them.

Unique thermal control
Schwind Amaris 1050 RS is equipped with a unique thermal control system, which helps to prevent any damage to the surrounding corneal tissue. This technology ensures that the cornea has sufficient time to cool down between laser pulses and the following pulses can thereby approach an already cooled position faster.

Laser software allows individual approach to each patient
Each patient and each treatment is different. Therefore the latest Schwind Amaris 1050RS laser technology with SCHWIND CAM software makes it possible to plan treatment individually and find the best solution for each patient.

Continued measuring of the corneal thickness
The integrated contact-free optical pachymetry provides our eye surgeon with information about the thickness of the cornea throughout the treatment. The changes are displayed on the screen. The corneal thickness is measured both before and after the removal of the corneal flap, as well as during the laser treatment. This increases the safety of the procedure, as it allows the surgeon to see exactly how much of the cornea has already been ablated and how thick the remaining cornea still is. All results are documented in the treatment log.

Constant measurement of the corneal thickness
The integrated contact-free optical pachymetry provides our eye surgeon with information about the thickness of the cornea throughout the treatment. The changes are displayed on the screen. The corneal thickness is measured both before and after the removal of the corneal flap, as well as during the laser treatment. This increases the safety of the procedure, as it allows the surgeon to see exactly how much of the cornea has already been ablated and how thick the remaining cornea still is. All results are documented in the treatment log.

Stable microclimate
Schwind Amaris laser has two nozzles that are used to remove the microscopic particles generated in the course of laser processing. This solution creates stable microclimate across the cornea. The climatic conditions remain constant during the entire procedure, preventing the cornea from drying out.

Clinical results
International clinical studies have documented the treatment quality with Schwind Amaris technology. Visual acuity of 100 % was achieved in nearly all cases. A high percentage of treated patients could see better than before with glasses or contact lenses. The study results also show improved contrast vision.

Facts of Schwind Amaris 1050 RS

  • 1050 Hz pulse frequency / Automatic energy level adjustment
  • Maximum precision, minimum procedure duration
  • 1050 Hz and 7D tracking of eye movements
  • Detection and compensation of even the smallest eye movement in each dimension
  • Exceptionally fine laser beam
  • Smooth and fine surface
  • Constant measurement of the corneal thickness
  • Safety at all times
  • Thermal control
  • Helps to prevent damage to the corneal tissue, the recovery of the eyes is quicker

Pentacam HR – brilliant image of the cornea

The initial eye exam before the laser procedure at KSA Vision Clinic is performed by using Pentacam HR device from Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, the leading manufacturer of diagnostic equipment in Europe. This device provides the optometrist and the surgeon with important information about the cornea. The examination is convenient for the patient and lasts for only a short period of time.

Pentacam is a rotating camera that stores the image of the entire anterior part of the eye in the computer. Pentacam uses technology that ensures a bright and sharp image, and incorporates all the information about the status of the corneal surface and its interior. The image provides the optometrist and the surgeon with crucial information about the exact dimensions of the patient’s cornea and autocorrects any image disturbances caused by minor eye movements.

Pentacam allows precise measurement of the following corneal parameters:
• three-dimensional topographic image of the corneal surface and assessment of its condition;
• the exact thickness of the cornea;
• three-dimensional corneal analysis (image and mapping);
• measurement of lens thickness (describes refraction and penetration);
• tomography image (visualisation of the cornea);

Main benefits of Pentacam HR include the following:
• improved optics and higher resolution (1.45 megapixels);
• sharper and clearer image of the interior of the cornea;
• more precise imaging of corneal layers;
• corneal scanning speed is more than 100 images in less than 2 seconds;
• innovative fixation target system (makes the exam easier for patients with severe vision impairment);

Each corneal image made with Pentacam can be viewed individually on the computer. Image shows the curvature of the patient’s cornea, each point of which can be measured individually on the screen.

Pentacam generates colored so-called elevation maps of the corneal surface, based directly on camera measurements. Information about each corneal point is only a click away.

Such 3D models illustrate different layers of the cornea. In order to provide a clear overview of the cornea, different colours are usedt to indicate each layer.

Schwind Sirius
– thorough mapping of the eye
Schwind Sirius is a multi-functional diagnostic device that provides innovative solutions for the doctors to provide a three-dimensional measurement of the eyes' condition. The device is extremely precise and detects even the smallest irregularities in the cornea. Schwind Sirius makes the procedure quick and contact-free.

Schwind Sirius is a diagnostic device that combines innovative solutions in refractive surgery and corneal therapy. Precise and multi-functional Schwind Sirius combines a rotating camera and corneal topography. This 2in1 solution provides a quick three-dimensional analysis of the whole cornea and the eye. High resolution with measurement accuracy of only one micrometre and more than 100 000 analysis points help to detect even the smallest irregularities and defects on the cornea.

Contact-free measurement of the eye allows comprehensive assessment of the corneal properties and surface topography. Schwind Sirius also enables the screening and monitoring of keratoconus. The integrated pupillometer captures the pupil diameter either dynamically or statically according to the lighting conditions.

Schwind diagnostics system - taking into account the peculiarities of the eye
Schwind diagnostic devices make it possible to prepare individual treatment plans for each patient. Schwind Cam software, used with Schwind equipment, does not miss any significant details and thus allows the doctor to prepare a tailored treatment plan for each patient. As for the surgeon, Schwind diagnostics system combines ultimate precision and user-friendliness.

Schwind diagnostics system allows individual treatment of each patient based on their needs and requirements by using either wavefront or corneal pachymetry technology.

Corneal wavefront
Schwind has developed a wavefront method that helps to analyse the extent of refractive errors of the anterior corneal surface and accurately determine their type.

Keratoconus screening
Schwind Sirius offers detailed examination of keratoconus by an accurate description of the morphology as well as classification of the problem.

Corneal pachymetry
Extreme precision of Schwind Sirius allows mapping the corneal thickness to its full extent.

Integrated pupillometer captures the pupil diameter either dynamically or statically according to the lighting conditions.

KSA Vision Clinic uses the latest tools and treatment techniques to help all Flow patients to achieve their clearest vision possible. Using the Pentacam and Schwind diagnostic devices, KSA’s physicians are able to determine which treatment is best for each patient.

Visit our vision correction clinic in Tallinn and Tartu

We are delighted to welcome you to our eye clinic.

Embrace a brighter world, free from glasses and contacts

Step into a life of visual freedom and discover is laser eye surgery is right for you with a appointment

Embrace a brighter world, free from glasses and contacts

Step into a life of visual freedom and discover is laser eye surgery is right for you with a appointment

Happy young couple standing in the park, delighted with their new vision without glasses and contact lenses, pointing to the right at the text box.
A photo of Ants Haavel pointing at the eye test chart.

Hi, I’m Dr Ants Haavel

As the founder of KSA Eye Center, I'm proud to lead our medical activities with a deep commitment to enhancing vision and improving lives.

Having corrected nearly 30,000 pairs of eyes, my journey in ophthalmology has been enriched by extensive global learning, from the University of Tartu where I began in 1989, to advanced professional courses across Europe and Asia.

My expertise is not just based on education but on real-world experience in countries like Estonia, Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, and beyond.

Beyond my professional life, I find joy in reading and sailing, which I believe adds to my perspective as a surgeon.

Trust and credibility in my work come from this blend of global knowledge, hands-on practice, and a genuine passion for what I do.

Dr Ants Haavel