Seven useful tips for healthy eyes
The National Eye Institute has various recommendations for daily eye care. These quick and easy everyday habits can help you look after your eyes and your eyesight.
1. Know your family’s eye health history.
Talk to your family members and find out if any relatives have ever been diagnosed with an eye condition. This is important because many eye conditions are hereditary and knowing this can help you look after and monitor yourself better.
2. Protect your eyesight by eating the right food.
You’ve surely heard that eating carrots is good for your eyesight, but other fruits and vegetables can also help you keep your eyesight in good shape. Dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach, are particularly good for the eyes. Various studies have also shown that Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are also beneficial for maintaining healthy eyes.
3. Maintain the right weight for your age and height.
Being overweight or obese also affects your eyes as it increases the risk of diabetes and other diseases which can cause eyesight problems.
4. Wear protective eyewear.
If you play sport or do work outside then wear eyewear that protects you from potential hazards. Protective eyewear should be made from safety glass and quality frames. Protective eyewear often also has lenses with UV protection and is made from a material of higher quality than plastic. This kind of eyewear is sold in sporting and building supplies stores.
5. Quit smoking or never start.
Smoking is bad for your entire body, including your eyes. Studies have shown smoking to be associated with various conditions such as cataracts and optic nerve damage.
6. Be cool. Wear sunglasses.
Sunglasses are a trendy fashion accessory but their most important role is protecting your eyes against the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Whenever buying new sunglasses, ensure the lenses offer 100 % protection again UV-A and UV-B radiation.
7. Give your eyes a rest.
When looking at computers or other devices intensively for extended periods of time, we forget to blink. Blinking is important, however, as it lubricates our eyes. Not blinking makes the eyes dry and vulnerable to various problems, including infections. Try to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 meters away for 20 seconds.
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