Did you know? 10 fascinating facts about eye laser surgery
Laser eye surgery is a fascinating branch of medicine. Thanks to continuous technological advancements and increasingly powerful and enhanced lasers, treating short-sightedness is easier, safer and more convenient than ever. Even though we are all aware of the almighty powers of modern technology, there are still several aspects of laser eye surgery that continue to surprise people and may even seem utopian to some. What are they? Below, you’ll find a list of the 10 most interesting facts about laser eye surgery!
- Laser eye surgeries are the most popular and safest elective surgeries worldwide – over 30 million people 30 million people
- The Flow 2.0 laser procedure is very quick. Depending on the degree of myopia, the laser typically takes an average of 15 seconds to correct the myopia in one eye. For both eyes, it takes only 30 seconds in total!
- The Flow 2.0 laser procedure is very eye-friendly. For example, to eliminate -6 diopters of myopia, the laser thins the cornea by about the thickness of an A4 sheet of paper.
- It is widely believed that laser beams are hot and burn the eye during the procedure. In reality, the laser beams used in eye surgery are cold!
- Compared to wearing glasses or contact lenses, laser procedures are much more environmentally friendly. Did you know that around 150 million people worldwide wear contact lenses, generating an estimated 132 million kilograms of waste annually? Even worse, about 20% of contact lens wearers admit to flushing their used lenses down the toilet. This results in a significant amount of microplastics in our oceans, in fish, and eventually on our plates. Always throw used contact lenses in the trash!
- During the Flow 2.0 laser procedure, the patient needs to follow a green dot in the laser. But what happens if you look away from the dot? The answer is nothing! The laser tracks eye movements 1050 times per secondso it is always faster than the person and catches all possible eye movements.
- The smallest myopia corrected with the Flow 2.0 laser procedure is-0.5 diopters. The Flow 2.0 method can be used to correct myopia up to -9 diopters. So, even if you have a small minus that affects your daily life, the laser procedure is possible!
- Did you know that in the long term, laser procedures are much cheaper than glasses or lenses? For example, if a 25-year-old person spends €20 per month on lenses and €200 on glasses every three years, by the age of 60, they will have spent over €10,000 on vision aids. Some people change their glasses every year and also invest in optical sunglasses. So, the laser procedure is a cost-effective investment for many years.
- Maintaining hygiene and the wearing time of contact lenses is crucial. Did you know that the risk of a vision-threatening eye infection is four times higher when using daily contact lenses compared to having a laser procedure? If you wear contact lenses for too long or forget to take them out at night, the risk of a vision-damaging eye infection due to contact lenses is 20 times higher! 20x kõrgem!
- Lasersilmakirurgia algusjärgus oli kordusprotseduuride vajalikkus umbes 30 % juhtudest. Tänu tehnoloogia arengule ja patsientide rangematele valikukriteeriumitele on see number õnneks aastate jooksul langenud. KSA Silmakeskuses on Flow 2.0 laserprotseduuri läbinud klientidel only 1-2% of clients who have undergone the Flow 2.0 laser procedure require a repeat procedure.
If you're dreaming of a life without glasses, the first step is to come for a Flow 2.0 eye exam! Book an appointment HERE to find out if you're a good candidate for a Flow 2.0 laser procedure. In addition to a comprehensive eye examination, you can expect a consultation with an optometrist, 5* customer service and a great atmosphere!
Take our quick quiz to find your path to glasses-free living
Take our 2-minute test to see if laser eye surgery can unlock a new world of clear vision for you.