Protect yourself from eye injuries!
More than one million people suffer from eye injuries each year in the United States. Ninety percent of these injuries could have been prevented if the individual had been wearing appropriate protective eyewear.
The leading causes of eye injuries include sports accidents, consumer fireworks, household chemicals and battery acid, as well as workshop and yard debris.
In the house.When using household chemicals, read instructions and labels carefully, work in a well-ventilated area and make sure to point spray nozzles away from you. Many chemicals are extremely hazardous and can permanently destroy the surface of your eyes.
In the garden Put on protective eyewear before you use a lawnmower, power trimmer or edger and be sure to check for rocks and stones because they can become dangerous projectiles as they shoot from these machines. Do not forget the risk to bystanders when using these machines
In the workplace Wear appropriate safety eyewear for your job. Many of the 2,000 employees who ere injured each day didn't think they needed eye protection or were wearing eyewear inappropriate for the job.
SportsAlways wear appropriate protective eyewear during sports and recreational activities.
If you get an eye injury, seek medical help immediately. Injuries such as cuts, chemical burns or foreign bodies stuck in the eye are emergencies. Don't try to treat these yourself - contact your Eye M.D. or emergency room for help immediately. Even a seemingly light blow can cause a serious eye injury. If a black eye, pain or visual problem occurs after a blow, contact your Eye M.D. or emergency department immediately. In case of a chemical burn to the eye, flush the eye with clean water and seek emergency medical treatment immediately.
From www.medicinenet.com
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