The freedom to participate in your favourite sports
Helena Ingermann (24) works as a nurse and is into motocross racing. She tells us how her lifelong dream was to be able to fall asleep while watching TV. Now that she no longer wears glasses after her Flow procedure, the dreams have come true.
Life is about little details. Helena feels that after getting rid of her visual handicap, the details in her life have become sharper and better, influencing her general wellbeing in a very positive way. “Now I can work in peace and not worry about my eyes. Earlier, when I was wearing contact lenses, my eyes became dry and tired by the evening,” says Helena, remembering the times when her eyes still needed contact lenses or glasses for her work at the plastical surgery clinic.
You need an excellent sight for motocross
Helena is a versatile woman with many interesting hobbies. Besides working as a nurse, she is also into motocross. In this field, excellent sight was something that she was missing. Only now, after the laser procedure, she can fully enjoy her hobby. Helena explains: “Motocross is a lot about sand and mud flying around, with an addition of lots of dust and fog. None of this is healthy for the eyes, and will be an annoyance when wearing contact lenses. I have often had to stop by the track and fix my lenses, sometimes I’ve even had to stop the race because of them.”
Teda ei aidanud ka retseptiprillid. “See tundus nii ohtlik!” ütleb Helena värisedes. «Mõned kannavad mootorrattaprillide all prille, aga mina ei saanud. Hakkasin ette kujutama, mis juhtuks, kui ma kukuks…”
Excellent night vision
Nüüd saab Helena rattaga sõita nii julgelt ja kiiresti, kui tahab, sest silmad ei piira enam tema vabadust. “Ma võin oma silmi ja nägemist usaldada,” kirjeldab Helena oma hobi. «See on motokrossis ülimalt oluline. Pean silmad maapinnal hoidma ja väga kiiresti reageerima.
Ka tema öine nägemine on nüüd suurepärane. Päeva lõpuks olid tema silmad väsinud, valusad ja pisarad. Nüüd pole tal neid probleeme! “Ma naudin elu täiel rinnal!” hüüab ta.
Take our quick quiz to find your path to glasses-free living
Take our 2-minute test to see if laser eye surgery can unlock a new world of clear vision for you.